DramaShare Ministries
Jesus Son Of God On Trial
Jesus Son Of God On Trial
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Focusing on some of Jesus’ miracles debates whether the amazing powers of Jesus mean that he might be the son of God.
This drama is the second scene from the complete 3 scene drama, Faith And Failure, on the DramaShare site, which is the most economical way of receiving this 3 scene package.
Other scenes also available separately on the DramaShare site as standalone dramas:
- Faith And Failure the complete source of the three following segments:
- Segment #1 Miracle Time Jesus' miracles: Lazarus, Bartimaeus, Leper, man crippled from birth, Jairus’ daughter, Mary Magdalene & the woman issue of blood.
- Segment #2 Jesus Son Of God On Trial (THIS SCRIPT) Court Room Heavenly Throne
- Segment #3 Great Throne Room Appearing in front of the Heavenly Throne
Cast: 20
- Jesus
- Disciple1 (D1) also Defender
- Disciple2 (D2) also Defender
- Mary Magdalene
- Leper
- Bartimaeus
- Woman with issue of blood
- Joseph
- Joseph’s crippled brother
- Jairus
- Caiaphas
- Annas
- Judge
- Soldier
- Sargent
- extras as available
Bible Reference: Mark
- court room, elaborate or plain
- Judges bench is at stage left
- Defendant’s chair is in front of and facing Judge
- Annas & Caiaphas (Co-prosecutors) & D1 & D2 (Co-defenders) centerstage facing Judge
- Witnesses seated at stage right, when each is called they sit beside Judge facing SR
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: likely traditional
Special Instructions: none
Time: 20
Sample of script:
Jesus is led in and seated in the Defendant’s chair. A Soldier enters from stage left.)
SOLDIER: Jerusalem High Court in session, His Excellency Judge Pilate on the bench. All rise.
(All rise as the Judge enters and sits.)
SOLDIER: You may be seated.
JUDGE: What is the first case before the court?
SOLDIER: It is the case of the People against Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth.
JUDGE: And what is the charge, Sergeant?
SOLDIER: Well, Your Honor, the charge seems to be rather a strange one.
JUDGE: It is not your role to judge the charges, Sergeant, merely to announce them. You are wasting the time of this court... go ahead, please!
SOLDIER: Yes, Your Honor... The issue is to determine if this Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth is... the... ummm... Son of God.
JUDGE: Rather strange charge indeed... And who is the prosecutor in this case?
(Caiaphas stands.)
CAIAPHAS: That is I, Your Honor. I am Caiaphas, chief priest in the Jerusalem temple. I will be joined by Annas, my fellow priest. He and I will be co-prosecutors in this case.
ANNAS: This farcical trial will take only a few moments of your precious time, Your Honor. The entire matter is a sham; the man is an outlaw and a fool!
(Judge turns to the Soldier.)
JUDGE: There seems to be some confusion, Sergeant... I was given to believe that it was I who was to be sitting in judgment for this matter. However, it would seem by their statements that Priests Caiaphas and his fellow priest—and father-in-law as I recall—Annas, feel that it is their duty to judge this case. Now then, co-prosecutors, if you would be so kind as to sit down and do your job, I shall endeavor to do mine.
(Annas and Caiaphas, upset, sit down.)
JUDGE: Thank you! Now, Sergeant, I have to assume this court will also be blessed with defense counsel?
SERGEANT: Yes, Your Honor, these two (points to D1 & D2) will be co-defenders.
(Annas stands.)
ANNAS: Objection, Your Honor!
JUDGE: Oh goody! And upon what principle or precedent does your learned objection ride?
ANNAS: These men are friends of the defendant... they even call themselves his disciples!
JUDGE: Let me internalize your comments, dear Annas... You are deeming these two inadmissible as defense counsel simply because they are friends of the defendant. Now, even though my knowledge of matters judicial may pale in comparison to yours, in my eyes, you appear to be virtually enemies of the defendant. Yet you see nothing wrong in coming to this court as prosecutors... Do you share my feeling there may be some inconsistency here?
JUDGE: Objection overruled!
ANNAS: But Your Honor—
JUDGE: Am I perhaps speaking too softly to be heard?
(Very loud.)
JUDGE: Objection overruled! Now sit!
(Glares at Annas and Caiaphas. They sit, unhappily.)
JUDGE: Now then, much better. If we may proceed... Prosecutors, why don’t you go first?
CAIAPHAS: This man is guilty of an act of heresy!
JUDGE: Heresy, you say? I can’t recall the last time I have heard a case of heresy... It must be, let me think... never actually. Can you recall a case of heresy coming before this court, Sergeant?
SERGEANT: Never, Your Honor.
JUDGE: As I thought... Perhaps the prosecution would like to expand on their claim of heresy—quickly, I should hope—before I judge this trial to be a farce and incarcerate the two of you for wasting the time of this court.
CAIAPHAS: This man claims to be the Son of Yahweh God.
JUDGE: Really? Interesting! And has the prosecution directly asked the defendant whether he is the Son of God?
CAIAPHAS: No, we do not speak with fools and outlaws!
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