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DramaShare Ministries

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

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Cast Number

Mother's Day, one of the very most popular and busy holidays off the year, as it should be. The reasons for Mother's Day are clear and very necessary, is there a Christian significance behind this celebration?

Cast:  4

  • Terry, very into his “toys” is married to Toni
  • Toni, tired of the tedium of life, is married to Terry
  • Jerry is committed, supportive husband of Joni
  • Joni is the loving wife of Jerry
    • All younger middle-aged

Bible Reference:  Mark 7:10


  • Bare stage except for a table with two chairs at both downstage left and downstage right locations.
  • There are two flats, set in a narrow V shape at an upstage center location to give the indication that these are two separate homes, one at stage left, the other at stage right.
  • Take care that the flats are well back so they do not block sight lines of anyone in the audience.

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX: none

Costumes:  standard


  • dishes, silverware, butter, a loaf of sliced bread, toaster on both tables, catalogue, newspaper
  • Toasters will be operated from offstage, adjust settings so the toast will be ejected in the shortest time, then have the power controlled offstage to eject at proper time

Special Instructions:

  • The premise of this drama is to show two families living out similar circumstances but reacting in different ways.
  • the drama is not to portray Terry and Toni as being a “bad” couple, nor to portray Jerry and Joni as a “good” couple, only that some couples will sometimes react in somewhat more appropriate, or more supportive ways than others

  Time: 20

Sample of script:

Jerry and Joni come to the table at stage left.
Terry and Toni come to the table at stage right.
Terry and Toni sit, don’t look at each other or speak. Terry picks up a golf magazine from the table, reads with interest, Toni yawns, massages temples to give the idea she has a headache. Terry and Toni maintain this while Jerry and Joni speak.
Jerry and Joni come on stage, holding hands, smiling, chatting

Joni: So, anyhow, when I phoned Mom she said, “Those children of yours had an awesome night, dad and I spoiled them to death!”

Jerry: Joni, your mom and dad always spoil our kids to death, and none of us would have it otherwise.

Joni: Mom and Dad enjoy having the kids for a sleepover, and the kids love it too. But we both know it’s the same when they go visit your mom Jerry.

Jerry: We are so lucky to have parents who are so supportive with us and our kids.

Joni: Yes, we are. Truly blessed. But I gotta tell you, I miss my babies already.

Jerry: Not babies anymore.

Joni: They will always be my babies. It’s a mom’s right.

Jerry: Different, isn’t it? House all to ourselves for two whole days.

Joni: Yes, different. Nice, but lonely, kinda too.

Jerry, fake hurt: Fine, so my wife doesn’t appreciate a romantic weekend alone with her husband, no kids. Fine!

Joni: I happen to very much appreciate a romantic weekend alone with my husband, no kids.

Jerry: Different, isn’t it, no kids on Mothers Day. Listen, let me treat. I will make the toast.

Jerry, with great flourish, puts slices of bread in the toaster

Joni, laughing: My husband, the chef!

Jerry and Joni pick up paper, read, lights down on stage left, up on stage right

Terry: Now here is what we need!

Toni, barely reacts: Hmmmmmm.

Terry: Big Bertha Steelhead System III Graphite, wow, looks sweet. What do you think Toni?

Toni:, no reaction

Terry: Hey look at this! (reads) Ping S Flex CS Lite iron just seven hundred bucks. Cameron Titleist Studio Stainless putter, two hundred bucks. Way I see it we could get the whole set, maybe under fourteen, fifteen hundred bucks! Wow! Just think, both of us, outfitted with new clubs, under three grand! Maybe could talk my buddy at the Golf Warehouse to toss in golf carts. Think this is a plan, hon?

Toni, still no reaction

Terry: Hon. Toni, are you awake?

Toni, doesn’t stir, mumbles: Uh, yeh, yeh, I am here.

Terry: So what do you think? Think we should move on that?

Toni, still not really interested: Move? Why should we move Terry? I like our house, thought you did too. 

Terry: You weren’t listening to a single word I said, were you? 

Toni, facetious: Me? I was feasting on your every word Terry. Up until you had us leaving this house, that is. 

Terry: I wasn’t talking about leaving this house Toni. 

Toni: Then why are we moving? 

Terry: We aren’t moving Toni. 

Toni: That is reassuring. Especially with our kids away at your mom’s for the weekend, they may not be able to track us down. But if we aren’t moving then why are you talking about us moving? 

Terry: I was talking about moving on this deal where we can outfit both of us with full golf equipment for three, maybe four thousand dollars. 

Toni: Now that I can see you moving on Terry. 

Terry, surprised: You can . . . I mean, of course you can. Hon, I can just see you out there on the course, your five iron out and . . 

Toni: I meant if you spend four thousand dollars on golf equipment I can see you moving . . . out the door along with your precious golf clubs, and not coming back. 

Terry: But Toni, you would simply love golf! 

Toni: Terry, I would also love to know where you are going to come up with four thousand dollars for golf equipment, or why. Every credit card we have is maxed out. 

Terry: I have that under control hon. Talking to a guy on Friday, he says he can consolidate all our debt into one easy to handle monthly payment. 

Toni: We have done that Terry, remember? Anyhow, let’s not talk finances right now, after all it is Mothers Day and our kids are away. Go ahead, be my gallant provider, make me toast. 

Terry: Aww, hon, you know I am not really much good at cooking, what say you do it, tastes much better when you do it hon. 

Toni, getting annoyed: Terry! It is making toast, not flame broiling lobster! 

Terry, never takes his eyes off the magazine: You know how it is for me doing stuff in the kitchen, just not my thing. 

Toni: Luckily for all of us I have moved the toaster out here to the dining room table. Now give! 

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