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DramaShare Ministries

Come See My Child 2

Come See My Child 2

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Cast Number

Birth of Jesus from "grandfather's" perspective.

Christmas monologue written from the perspective of Heli, Joseph's father, the father whose firstborn was really not his son, but the son of God, the promised Messiah.
The theme of this monolog being, "Have you come to see the Baby, or to worship the King".

Cast: 1 (monolog, male elderly)
Bible Reference: Luke 2
Set: Bare
Sound: wireless mic
Song: none
Lighting: as available
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: likely traditional
Special Instructions:
Time: 2

Sample of script:

Actor comes on stage, looks around, says:

Oh, hello there. I thought everyone had left. Welcome, come in. Sorry, it's only a stable, but it's the best we could find. My name is Heli, (pronounced he' ly). You may know me better as Joseph's father, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Christ. I, of course, was required, along with Joseph and Mary, and all of the other townspeople from Nazareth, to come to Bethlehem for the census. Joseph and I had to close up our carpentry shop and come with our wives and families the long trek. I was particularly concerned for my daughter-in-law. The trip was difficult for all of us, so much worse for a pregnant women.

I am so impressed with Mary, never once did she complain. And my son, Joseph! So aware of his wife's suffering, trying so hard to spare her additional discomfort. A fine couple they are! And now, they have a son! Well, Mary has a son. Joseph can not truly call Him son, but he does, with great pride. Oh, yes. Joseph is fully aware that this is the Son of God.

But Jesus, they named the boy Jesus, in Joseph's heart, He will always be Joseph's son. I expect you are here because of our baby. We've had many visitors tonight, you must have just missed the wise men, they were the last to leave. Resplendent regal beings they were! Such exquisite attire! Men so obviously acquainted with opulence, with luxuriance! As they walked about, their richly brocaded robes brushed the straw and the dirt of the stable floor.

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