DramaShare Ministries
Paying Their Price
Paying Their Price
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Easter signifies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, but our perception of the meaning of Easter seems to be getting more toward cute bunnies and secular matters.
This 5 scene drama chronicles how a mother, Veronica, is shown as putting her life on the line for her daughter and friend, and also how Veronica is prepared to stand up for the Biblical truth of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The pastor in these scenes, (Pastor Wes Pilate, irony intended), has started his own church and even written his own Bible for reasons of popularity and profit.
Scene VI is a bar scene, with a confrontation over drugs and prostitution.
There is an ongoing song, Beautiful Scandalous Night, (On YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qahF83maIo which helps link the contemporary back to the crucifixion and resurrection.
This drama is part of the larger DramaShare script, (“Through Me”) which is available on DramaShare site and starts off with the traditional content of “My Sons” then carries forward into this drama. An excellent outreach or dinner theatre drama for any time of the year.
Cast: 13+
- Veronica, mother of Becky
- Newsy Newsham, tacky newsman
- Easter Egg in costume
- Willy Rabbit, in costume
- Charlie, likely child, male or female
- Becky Adams, (as a pre-teen child), Veronica’s daughter
- Becky Adams, (as an early teen), Veronica’s daughter
- Becky Adams, (as a late teen), Veronica’s daughter
- Pastor Wes Pilate
- Tina Pilate, (as a pre-teen child), daughter of pastor
- Tina Pilate, (as an early teen), daughter of pastor
- Tina Pilate, (as a late-teen), daughter of pastor
- (NOTE – Becky and Tina could all be played by the same actors by costuming)
- Link, 20’s rough character
- 2 “clients” 20’s +
- doctor
- extras as available/desired
- Singer
- Narrator
Bible Reference: Luke 22:47-24:9
- Scene I – Modern Day Meaning of Easter (is it Easter Egg, Easter Bunny or Jesus)
- Scene II – Current Day Church Service.
- Scene III – Bar Scene. Tables with glasses
- Scene IV – Hospital Waiting Room
- Scene V Conclusion
Lighting: spots
Sound: wireless mics if available
- an ongoing song, Beautiful Scandalous Night, (On YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qahF83maIo
- song written by Derri Daugherty & Steve Hindalong
© 1992 Never Say Never Songs / New Spring Publishing, Inc. / ASCAP (both adm. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)
Arrangement and lyrics for this drama by DramaShare
- music clips
- In Scene I Egg and rabbit costume can be as elaborate or simple as available.
- Newsy is overdressed in sharp, tacky clothing
- All other actors in regular clothing
- Veronica wears a pillbox hat
- hand held microphone for reporter
- other than soldiers equipment and knife, little is required
Special Instructions:
Time: 50
Sample of script:
lights up on Singer
SFX: Music clip1:
Song: Now the wonderful, tragic, mysterious tree
Is the object of great scorn and cruel mockery
The message of Jesus no longer takes flight
From that beautiful scandalous night.
From that beautiful scandalous night.
lights down on Singer, after a few seconds up on stage
Scene I – Modern Day Meaning of Easter
A current day TV news reporter is looking for the real reason for Easter
Crowd come on stage, milling around, whispering
Veronica comes on stage with Becky
Veronica: This is so exciting!
Becky: Why did we come here Mom?
Veronica: Well the sign outside said, “Learn about the real reason for Easter.” And we for sure never can hear too much about that story!
Becky: But Mom, I’ve known all about the real reason for Easter ever since I was a kid!
Veronica: Like I said, never can hear too much about Easter. . . . Look, here comes another little girl . .
Pastor Wes Pilate comes on stage with Tina
Pastor: Here we go Tina, gonna be a good day for you, learning about the reason for Easter.
Tina: Sounds real boring to me.
Pastor: looks at Veronica, smiles, shakes his head: Kids . . . Never can please them, seems like.
Veronica, to Tina: You must be about the same age as my daughter. . . Tina, this is my daughter Becky.
Tina: Can we just go home Dad?
Pastor: Like I say . . kids, they get this age, they are a challenge. . . And me bein’ a pastor and all.
Veronica: Nice to meet you Pastor, I am Veronica Adams and you have met my daughter Becky.
Pastor, shakes Veronica’s hand: Pastor Wes Pilate here. . . And no jokes please about me being a pastor with the name of Pilate, OK? I already heard them all!
Newsy rushes on stage
Veronica, to Newsy: Hello sir, it’s a privilege to be here, can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
Newsy: Another of my adoring fans I see . . . What is your name lady?
Veronica: I am Veronica Adams and this is my daughter Becky.
Newsy: Well, Victoria . . .
Veronica: That is Veronica . . .
Newsy: Whatever . . .
Pastor: And I am Pastor Wes Pilate and this is my daughter Tina.
Newsy: Oh goody! A pastor’s kid! . . Well just don’t go handin’ out Bibles and stuff OK?
Pastor: No worries there ma’man! I am not one to go around talkin’ religion to anyone.
Veronica: Well, speaking only for myself, I feel privileged to share the word of God with all who will listen.
Newsy, sarcastic: Oh great! . . Another Bible thumper!
Well enough chit-chat, time for me to do my magic . . .
(takes microphone, starts talking, rapid-fire)
This is Newsy Newsham, ace news reporter from Channel Seven News Blaster News with all the news that is news while it is news!
Now then what have we here?
Whatever is this demonstration all about?
Luckily for my adoring fans out there, I, Newsy Newsham, ace news reporter from Channel Seven News Blaster News with all the news that is news while it is news . . am here, on location!
And as sure as my name is Newsy Newsham I shall get to the bottom of the news!
(points microphone at Charlie)
What’s your name?
Charlie, looks around, confused: Me????? . . . You want to talk to me?
Newsy: Just the facts, what do you know?
Charlie, confused: What do . . . I . . . know?
Newsy: Sir, you are wasting valuable News Blaster News time, . . . as well as needlessly using up my incredibly beautiful voice . . .
Now, what's your name, what do you know?
Charlie: Well, I am Charlie, and. . . I know all about stars and the solar system, and I got real good grades in math and I . . . .
Newsy, annoyed: No, no, no, no, no!
What do you know about what is happening here, the protest, the demonstration, whatever it is.
Charlie: Oh that. We are trying to find out the reason for Easter.
Newsy: Hold that thought, time for a message from the good folks who make Channel Seven News Blaster News possible .. .
(big phoney smile)
Dear, dear friends!
Are you up all night suffering from backache, headaches, sore joints, and chronic hair loss? Well old Newsy has good news for you! Just you take two revolutionary Doctor Big’s Little Bomber B tablets and quick as you can say, “Newsy Newsham knows the news” why you will be back to your old self again.
And now, . . . back to the news that is news.
Egg comes up to Newsy, clears throat
Egg, self-important: Excuse us.
Newsy: Who are you?
Egg, haughty: We . . . are . . the . . . one. . the only . . . Easter Egg.
Newsy: Hate to break your shell, Egg, but there are like a gazillion eggs out there.
Egg, haughty: We are . . the . .Easter Egg . . and . . . we are . . the reason for Easter.
Crowd, excited, various comments: That’s the Easter Egg! The reason for Easter! Wow! Amazing! Unbelievable! Etc.
Crowd dance in a circle around Egg, singing
Crowd: She is the Easter Egg
She’s the reason for Easter!
She is the Easter Egg
She’s the reason for Easter!
She is the Easter Egg
She’s the reason for Easter!
Veronica, shock: The Easter Egg . . the reason for Easter? . . . I don’t think so!
Willy comes on stage, watches what is going on, laughs uncontrollably
Willy: I agwee (agree) waydee (lady)
Wow! That is weally a wiot!
She says she is the weason for Easter?
Wike I say, a weal wiot is what!
Newsy: And you are . . . ?
Willie: Who ewse (else)?
I am Willy the Wabbit.
Newsy: Willy the Wabbit . . . errr, Rabbit?Willie: Wight (right), I am Willy the Wabbit, and I . . . am the weason for Easter.
Crowd, excited, various comments: That’s Willy the Wabbit! The weason for Easter! Wow! Amazing! Unbelievable! Etc.
Crowd dance in a circle around Willy singing
Crowd: He is Willy the Wabbit
He’s the weason for Easter!
He is Willy the Wabbit
He’s the weason for Easter!
He is Willy the Wabbit
He’s the weason for Easter!
Becky, shakes head, sad: That is just so wrong!
Newsy: What's that?
Becky: That’s not the reason for Easter!
Newsy: How do you know that, you are just a little kid.
Becky: I know that the real reason for Easter is that Jesus died and he rose again, and that’s the reason for Easter
EasterEgg, indignant: I have never heard of anything so preposterous! . . Everyone knows that I, the Easter Egg, am the real reason for Easter!
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